

Monthly Matches are 2nd weekend most months, however we will have a couple of 3rd weekend matches due to events at Ozark Shooters.
Old Coot Matches are the 1st and 3rd Wednesday each month.
Check the Facebook Group for latest match dates and results.

Year around hours- Gate opens at 9:00, Registration 9:00-9:30,
Safety briefing to 9:30 and shooting begins at 9:45  

Remember, lead or lead coated bullets only!
Always check our Facebook group page or contact a club officer to verify the shoot will take place as schedules are subject to change. All shooters must check  in at the Shooting Complex building to cleared to proceed to the Cowboy Range

Members $10  --  Non-Members $15

Matches may be cancelled during the winter months, so always check the Facebook group or with a club officer.

Butterfield Trail Cowboys
2024 Schedule



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